Want a lush, thick and healthy lawn this season? We can help with these top tips for promoting grass growth.
1. Fertilize –
Fertilizing your lawn helps promote grass growth by providing the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Be sure to use a fertilizer that is appropriate for your type of grass and follow the directions on the package. Composting and “grass-cycling” your grass clippings are also great ways to add nutrients to your soil and promote grass growth.
2. Water deeply and less often –
Deep, infrequent watering encourages deep root growth, which results in a stronger lawn that can better withstand drought conditions. Watering early in the day also reduces evaporation and gives the grass time to dry before nightfall, which helps prevent fungal diseases.
3. Use the correct mowing height –
When it comes to mowing, it’s important to know and follow the recommended mowing height for your type of grass. Mowing your grass too short can damage the blades and promote weed growth.
4. Remove thatch –
A layer of thatch (dead and living grass stems) more than ½-inch thick can prevent water, air and nutrients from reaching the roots of your grass. De-thatching is best done in the spring or fall with a power rake or vertical mower.
5. Control weeds –
Weeds compete with your grass for space, water and nutrients, so it’s important to control them early on. The best way to do this is to pull them by hand or use a chemical herbicide.
6. Use mycorrhizal root builder –
Mycorrhizal fungi are beneficial soil organisms that attach to the roots of grass and plants and help them make better use of water and nutrients in the soil.
Your lawn can be thick and luxurious this season with these handy tips. You can trust Your Oasis Outdoor Care to help you have the best lawn on the block. Your lawn can be lush and green all season long with our lawn care services. Call us today to learn more about how we can give you the lawn and outdoor oasis of your dreams.