Fertilizing Your Shrubs and Trees in the Spring

When it comes to fertilizing your trees and shrubs, spring is the best time to do it. During this season, plants are preparing for a new growth cycle, and they need the right nutrients to support this. By fertilizing in the spring, you can ensure that your trees and shrubs get the nutrition they need to thrive. Tree and…

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Pre-Emergent Weed Control

Pre-emergent weed control can have a huge impact on your garden or lawn’s appearance and health. Our clients lawns received this treatment in the winter months to prepare them for this spring. A pre-emergent herbicide will prevent pre-emergent weeds from sprouting, allowing for healthier turf grass and fewer weeds to manage overall. You’ll spend less time pulling out weeds…

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Keep Grass Roots Growing Strong

When you think of a healthy lawn, it’s important to think about what is going on beneath the surface. The health of the grass roots and root system are vital to a healthy lawn. You want to have deep root growth rather than shallow root growth. Root systems that grow deeper into the ground produce healthier blades above ground….

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Florida Lawn Care Tips for Fall

Florida Lawn Care Tips for Fall

During the fall and winter months, grass grows less intensely. Cooler air and fewer rainy days take over the weather pattern and slows down lawn growth. Did you know that fall is the ideal time to do some maintenance on your lawn to prepare it to thrive come spring? Check out these Florida fall lawn care tips to learn…

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Florida Lawn Care: What’s the Ideal Grass Cutting Height?

Florida Lawn Care: What's the Ideal Grass Cutting Height

You might not give much thought to mowing other than getting it done or making sure your lawn care provider gets it done. Did you know there are ideal cutting heights depending on the species of grass in your yard? Yes, your Florida lawn care should include making sure your grass is cut to the right height based on…

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