During the fall and winter months, grass grows less intensely. Cooler air and fewer rainy days take over the weather pattern and slows down lawn growth. Did you know that fall is the ideal time to do some maintenance on your lawn to prepare it to thrive come spring? Check out these Florida fall lawn care tips to learn more.
1. Water – From April through August is Florida’s rainy season. During the rainy season you might only need to do minimal watering of your lawn or even no watering at all. This changes when the fall and winter months hit and the rainy days are fewer. The typical lawn needs about an inch of water per week to keep it looking and growing healthy. If the rain doesn’t provide enough, you’ll need to water your lawn.
2. Fertilize – Due to the low nutrient density of Florida’s sandy soil, fertilizer helps give your lawn the necessary nutrients it needs to grow lush and healthy. Fall is the right time to fertilize as it allows the fertilizer to penetrate the soil over the winter and provide a strong foundation for the new growth in the spring.
3. Mow – While you’ll mow less frequently, you do still need to mow. Instead of weekly, it might be twice a month or perhaps less. The goal is to maintain the appropriate grass height for your particular type of grass. In most parts of Florida, grass experiences some growth year-round.
4. Get Control – Fall is the perfect time to get control of weeds and bugs. In the fall, weeds are more absorbent in preparation for the coming winter months and will more readily absorb herbicide. Bugs are also easier to get control of in the fall as they begin to be less active and more dormant. When they aren’t on the move so much, it’s easier for pest control measures to work.
Fall in Florida doesn’t mean an end to lawn care. It means a change to your lawn care needs. The most important part is performing the maintenance steps that will help ensure a rich and lush lawn come spring. Follow these Florida fall lawn care tips to get your lawn ready for the cooler months. And you can always count on Your Oasis Outdoor Care to keep your outdoor spaces prepped and ready for any season so you always have a beautiful outdoor oasis.