While Florida might seem like a lush paradise where any kind of grass would flourish, there are several factors in Florida that can negatively impact your lawn. The stresses of high heat, a salty environment, pounding rains and major storms can do a number on your turf. Experts recommend sticking to one of four main types of grass for Florida lawns. Let’s take a look at each and their attributes so you can decide what kind of turfgrass is best for your Florida lawn.
Bahia Grass
Bahia grass is the most common type of grass in Florida for a reason. It is naturally resistant to almost anything you can imagine – droughts, sun, excess water, cold temperatures, hot temperatures and high heat. It’s easy to care for and thrives in Florida’s hot and humid climate. The downsides to this grass are that it can be prone to weeds and needs to be consistently mowed at least once a week.
St. Augustine Grass
You’ll hear about St. Augustine grass a lot in Florida because it’s almost everywhere. It’s the second most common grass type in Florida. It’s drought tolerant, grows fast and handles the high salt levels of the area very well. It’s a beautiful grass that provides a desirable lawn. The downside is when we say it grows fast, it really grows super-fast, so it takes a lot of maintenance compared to some other types of grass. It also doesn’t handle the occasional Florida winter cold snap very well and quickly goes dormant in cooler temps.
Zoysia Grass
Zoysia grass is the most turf-like with a dark and rich greenness that other grasses don’t provide. It grows great near coastal areas, high traffic areas (like golf courses) and with high levels of direct sun. It’s drought tolerant, resists disease and doesn’t mind shade either. It’s a very dense and lush grass so it resists weeds as well. It’s also a low-maintenance grass that doesn’t need much to keep it looking great. The downside is that it does go dormant when temperatures drop during a cold snap or a frost.
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass is a beautiful grass with very deep roots, making it resistant to weeds, drought and high traffic. It grows very fast so you’ll need to keep up with the mowing on this grass as it can easily become overgrown in a short period of time.
Which grass do you have? Is it the best grass type for your Florida lawn? Perhaps your lifestyle requires a more low-maintenance grass like Zoysia but you have St. Augustine grass. Your Oasis Outdoor Care is here for you! We can help you keep up with the maintenance requirements of the grass you have or help you transition to a different type of grass for your lawn. Have questions? We’ve got answers! Just give us a call!