March is here, which means one thing: mosquito March madness is in full swing. Mosquitoes can spread a variety of diseases, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites. The most common illnesses spread by mosquitoes in Florida include West Nile virus, Eastern Equine encephalitis and St. Louis encephalitis. Any of these illnesses can make you very sick and in some cases can be fatal. Avoiding the bite is the best precaution you can take against these serious illnesses.
In other parts of the world, mosquitoes also carry and transmit Malaria, Yellow fever, Chagas disease, Zika virus, Dengue fever, Rift Valley fever and Chikungunya fever. If you travel internationally, it is possible for you to catch one of these other illnesses transmitted by mosquitoes. Here at home, there are things you can do to avoid mosquito March madness.
Avoiding Mosquito Bites
Mosquitoes are most active in humid climates, so if you live in a region with high humidity (like the southeast and Florida), be especially vigilant about taking precautions against getting bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes breed in standing water so avoid having any standing water on your property. Here are some other things you can do to reduce your risk of mosquito bites:
- Stay inside during peak mosquito hours (dusk and dawn)
- Wear long sleeves and pants when outside
- Use mosquito repellent when outdoors
- Install screens on your windows and doors or patch any holes in your screens
- Get rid of any mosquito breeding sites on your property such as bird baths (or dump them and clean them out daily)
Mosquito Control
If you live in an area with a lot of mosquitoes, there are steps you can take to reduce the mosquito population. One way is to install mosquito traps in your yard. These traps use carbon dioxide and octenol (a human-derived scent) to lure mosquitoes into the trap where they are then killed. You can also use mosquito dunks or bits which are made from a bacteria that kills mosquito larvae. Another option is to have your property treated for mosquitoes by a professional company. Your Oasis Outdoor Care offers mosquito treatment for your yard and property to help control the mosquito population in your outdoor space. Call us today to start your mosquito control service!