Pre-emergent weed control can have a huge impact on your garden or lawn’s appearance and health. Our clients lawns received this treatment in the winter months to prepare them for this spring. A pre-emergent herbicide will prevent pre-emergent weeds from sprouting, allowing for healthier turf grass and fewer weeds to manage overall. You’ll spend less time pulling out weeds before they become problematic in your garden or lawn and spend more time on tasks such as watering, mulching and installing new plants.
What is Pre-Emergent Weed Control?
Is a chemical herbicide that prevents pre-emergent weeds from germinating. Though pre-emergent weed control comes in many forms, all pre-emergent share the same mechanism of action: they prevent weed seeds from entering their growth cycle. This kind of unique herbicide interferes with a pre-emergent seed’s ability to sprout and grow. In this way, disrupts the weed’s growth cycle before it ever begins to prevent weed growth.
When to Apply?
Should be applied pre-emptively, before pre-emergent weeds germinate and become visible and begin competing with your pre-existing plants. This timing will vary by geographic location as pre-emergent herbicide will not be as effective if it is applied after weeds have begun to sprout. Weed control is especially helpful if you live in warmer climates like Florida where pre-emergents grow all year long. By applying pre-emergent herbicide before winter or during early spring, your weed control will be strong and ready to go when weeds attempt to sprout in the spring and summer. Newly seeded areas should be watered well after pre-emergent application to bring pre-emergent herbicides into better contact with the soil to help avoid weed growth.
Pre-emergent weed control is considered the most effective method of weed control because it prevents the weed seeds from entering their growth cycle. By preventing weeds from growing in the first place, your weed control efforts will be far less intense once spring and summer come. For questions on weed control for your lawn or garden, Your Oasis Outdoor Care has the answers you need!