Is your Florida oasis outdoors suffering from shrub damage? You may be dealing with a pesky insect infestation. Insects are some of the most harmful pests that can destroy your landscape, not to mention being a major stressor for homeowners. Here, we will discuss six shrub-damaging insects and how to identify what’s eating your shrubs.
1. Spider Mites:
Spider mites are tiny pests that are difficult to see, but their damage is evident. They feed on the undersides of leaves, causing bronzing, yellowing and eventually leaf drop. Spider mites are known for being one of the most destructive landscape pests.
2. Japanese Beetles:
These pests are notorious for their voracious appetite and can defoliate an entire tree in just a few days. They feed on the foliage of their host plants and leave behind skeletonized leaves and damaged blossoms. And few trees and shrubs are immune as these bugs feed on over 300 species of plants.
3. Spotted Lanternfly:
This insect has become a concern in Florida. They have a broad host range, attack over 70 species of plants and cause extensive damage to trees, shrubs and grapevines. The juvenile spotted lanternfly can be mistaken for other insects, but adults have distinctive wings with black spots and red underwings. Treatment: Report any sightings to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and to Your Oasis Outdoor Care. Don’t move any material that may harbor spotted lanternfly adults, nymphs, or egg masses.
4. Scale:
These insects are immobile and form hard, shell-like protective coverings over themselves for protection, and feed on plant sap. Scale insects can weaken plant growth and cause branch dieback.
5. Gypsy Moths:
First sighted in Massachusetts in 1869, these pests can be very destructive to trees and shrubs, quickly defoliating them and making them more vulnerable to disease and stress.
6. Bagworms:
These insects spin silk bags around themselves which they remain in until they emerge as a moth. They feed on plant foliage and can cause severe damage to shrubs and trees. Infestations can be recognized by the presence of bag-like structures on shrubs.
Invasive insects can be disastrous for the health and beauty of your home’s landscape. It’s important to recognize the signs of insect damage and take appropriate measures to safeguard your shrubs’ health. Proper landscaping care and regular shrub maintenance can also help prevent infestations. At Your Oasis Outdoor Care, we have expert pest control services that help to get rid of pesky insects from your oasis. Our team of experts knows what it takes to deal with shrub-damaging insects and help to protect your outdoor living space. Contact us today and let us take care of your Florida landscape!