Why Mosquitoes Bite You More Than Others

Your Oasis Outdoor Care Why Mosquitoes Bite You More Than Others Clermont Florida

With their itchy bumps and blood-sucking tendencies, mosquitoes can be a real nuisance, especially during the warmer months. However, have you ever noticed that some people seem to attract mosquitoes more than others? While we might think that it’s just a matter of unlucky chance, there are scientific reasons why mosquitoes might bite you more than your family members…

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Get a start on Mosquito March Madness

March is here, which means one thing: mosquito March madness is in full swing. Mosquitoes can spread a variety of diseases, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites. The most common illnesses spread by mosquitoes in Florida include West Nile virus, Eastern Equine encephalitis and St. Louis encephalitis. Any of these illnesses can make…

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