Florida is a unique state with various types of critters and insects—some of which can be a bit daunting. One such insect that can be quite intimidating is the Cow Killer Ant or Velvet Ant. These bugs can be found in various regions and understanding them is essential to dispel any fears and provide you with the necessary knowledge to handle them properly. Read on to discover everything you need to know about What You Should Know About Velvet Ants/Cow Killer Ants.
What Are Velvet Ants?
Velvet ants are not actually ants; instead, they’re wasps. Despite their name, they’re relatively harmless. Only the females sting but are wingless, whereas males can fly but cannot sting. Velvet ants are easy to spot, completely covered in black fur with orange-red fur splashing on their thorax and abdomen. They won’t bother you unless provoked, meaning that if you accidentally step on one, you run the risk of being stung.
The sting of a female velvet ant is powerful; it’s no wonder they’ve been given their ominous name. The sting has often been likened to that of a cow’s kick (hence the name “cow killer”), and it can be painful for a while. However, unlike bees, wasps do not leave their stingers behind in the wound after stinging (a small comfort, we know).
Are Velvet Ants a Threat to People?
Velvet ants have no interest in humans, but they can wreak havoc on other bees and wasps. Female velvet ants lay their eggs in the nests or burrows of other insects. Once the larvae emerge, they begin feeding on the host’s larvae or food supply, acting as parasites that can destroy an entire hive. As a result, it’s worthwhile to keep an eye out for these wasps around your home to protect bees, especially.
If you’re dealing with a velvet ant infestation, it’s important not to panic. The wasps won’t willingly attack you, so the best defense is to avoid making contact with them. If you’ve spotted velvet ants around your property, it’s advisable to contact a pest control expert like Your Oasis Outdoor Care who can help you deal with the issue effectively.
Velvet ants, or cow killers, might appear intimidating at first glance, but there’s nothing to fear. Being stung is unpleasant but it’s not life-threatening and doesn’t require specialized treatment for most people. Understanding this insect can dispel any fear and help you recognize them for what they are – no problem if you keep your distance. If you encounter them on your property, calling a lawn pest control expert like Your Oasis Outdoor Care is the best way to handle the situation to ensure your safety and protect local bee populations.